File Structure

This template has the following directories/folder and files for easy navigation


The /assets/ folder contains all the resourses and dependancies needed to run the template


The /assets/css/ folder contains the stylesheet used by this template. The /assets/css/style.css file is well written and organized for easy modification. Open it and modify the content with your favorite editor.

The css file also contains imported fonts used across the template.


All the images used in this template is located in the /assets/images/ folder.
Add your own images and reference them in the index.html file.


The /assets/js/ folder contains the javascript file, /assets/js/app.js. The js file contains the raw source code used to create the awesome animations in this template and also the code to stick the navigation to the top when scrolling.


Vendor folder contains both Bootstrap & aos dependancies (required files).

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